The Sports Vouchers program is a Government of South Australia initiative administered by the Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing. The program provides an opportunity for primary school-aged children from Reception to Year 9 to receive up to a $100 discount on sports membership/registration fees. This means in 2024, children aged 5 to 15 years old (inclusive) will be eligible for a Sports Voucher (these children will have a year of birth from 2009 to 2019).
Little Athletics SA accepts the $100 Sports Vouchers as part of the registration process. To apply a Sports Voucher to your athlete(s) in the RegistrationHQ system, where the “Payment Method” drop down box is available in the top right hand corner of the Payment page, select the “Voucher” option to enter in the required Sports Voucher information and apply the discount. You will need to answer a few yes or no questions and enter in your Medicare number plus your child’s reference number. You will need to write this out as one 11 digit number for it to be recognised properly. Once this has been entered for each eligible athlete, you can proceed to use the “Credit Card” or “PayPal” payment methods to finalise your transaction.
Please note, you are only eligible to claim this Sports Voucher if your athlete is at school between the years of Reception – Year 9 in 2024 and if you haven’t already claimed it in 2024.