Welcome to Little Athletics!
Little Athletics is a modified athletics program for children of all abilities aged 3 – 17 years. It is based on a wide range of track and field events including: running, jumping, throwing and walking.
Little Aths is a family sport that is heavily reliant on parents and volunteers to assist each week so our great athletes can participate in running, jumping, throwing and walking events successfully! As the parent/caregiver of the child, it is important to understand the sport and how you can be a significant support to them in their Little Athletics journey. Below is the type of sessions a Little Athletics Club offers during the season:
- WEEKLY CLUB MEETS: At meets you will have your results recorded for each event you participate in so you can track your PB’s progress and race against your friends. Results are stored in your ResultsHQ account for you to view at any time – this is linked to your registration account so you have one login for all your Little Aths needs!
- TRAININGS: At training you can work with coaches on your running, jumping throwing and walking skills so you can quickly improve on your PB’s (Personal Bests).
In preparation for attending weekly meets at your club, it is important to visit these valuable website links below:
How to Help at Little Athletics “Parent Handbook” – www.littleathleticssa.com.au/parent-handbook/
As the clubs are 100% run by volunteers, we kindly ask that you please raise a hand to help and provide ongoing support so athletes involved can have the best experience possible!
We offer activities all year round! Our Summer Season consists of Track and Field events at local Little Athletics clubs and our Winter Season offers Cross Country and Race Walking. Our Season Membership gives you access to participate and train at your local club, as well as the opportunity to participate in the Summer and Winter Season State Competitions and Championships!
Officiating: Volunteers are central to what Little Athletics does and every Little Athletics club across the state needs a team of dedicated volunteers to act as officials. Find out how to get involved as an official!
Coaching: To ensure athletes can participate in athletics successfully, coaching is essential for athlete development! There are a number of non-accredited and accredited coaching courses available, which are suitable for anyone (parents, older athletes, volunteers, teachers etc). Find out how to get involved as a coach!